
Summer Term 2024

Date Title Name   Place
16.04.2024 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
23.04.2024 Building Health across Generations: Unraveling the Impact of Early Childcare on Maternal Health Mara Barschkett pdf HS V 00-251
30.04.2024 The Importance of Emotional and Social Skills for Mental Health and Subjective Well-Being Wanda Schleder / Sarah Tran-Huu HS V 00-251
07.05.2024 Cognitive Imprecision and Altruistic Preferences Niklas Witzig HS V 00-251
14.05.2024 HS V 00-251
21.05.2024 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
28.05.2024 Competition and Bargaining - The Optimal Size of Buyer Groups

Stefan Lobin

HS V 00-251
04.06.2024 Bequests, fiscal policy and the distribution of wealth Hoang Van Khieu and Klaus Wälde HS V 00-251
11.06.2024 Essays on International Economics and Migration Shiyun Hu HS V 00-251
18.06.2024 HS V 00-251
25.06.2024 HS V 00-251
02.07.2024 HS V 00-251
09.07.2024 Forschung und Entwicklung in der Bundesstatistik Prof. Dr. Markus Zwick (Destatis) pdf HS V 00-251
16.07.2024 Internal meeting HS V 00-251

Winter Term 2023/24

Date Title Name Place
24.10.2023 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
31.10.2023 Not him: The Impact of Bolsonaro's Election on Same-Sex Civil Unions Mateus Maciel HS V 00-251
07.11.2023 HS V 00-251
14.11.2023 HS V 00-251
21.11.2023 Cause and consequences of early childbearing for African women Andreas Backhaus HS V 00-251
28.11.2023 HS V 00-251
05.12.2023 Rethinking Standard Metrics: The Influence of Effective Exchange Rate Definition on Euro Area Pass-Through Estimates Mark Ruszel HS V 00-251
12.12.2023 HS V 00-251
19.12.2023 HS V 00-251
09.01.2024 Dissecting Servitization in the Global Economoy Motoaki Takahashi HS V 00-251
16.01.2024 HS V 00-251
23.01.2024 Do plurality-based electoral systems favor polarizing parties from the right? Anna-Sophie Kurella (University of Mannheim) HS V 00-251
30.01.2024 The Scarring Effects of Firm Shutdowns Maximilian Longmuir HS V 00-251
06.02.2024 Internal meeting HS V 00-251

Summer Term 2023

Date Title Name Place
18.04.2023 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
25.04.2023 Retail prices in Latin America during the 2014-2015 US dollar rally: a microscopic perspective using scanner data Mark Ruszel HS V 00-251
02.05.2023 HS V 00-251
09.05.2023 On Social Cohesion and Social Disintegration Jana Niedringhaus HS V 00-251
16.05.2023 Individualism, Creativity and Innovation Katharina Hartinger HS V 00-251
23.05.2023 internal meeting HS V 00-251
30.05.2023 Affirmative Action: Within-group inequality in competitive environments Jan Hausfeld HS V 00-251
06.06.2023 HS V 00-251
13.06.2023 HS V 00-251
20.06.2023 HS V 00-251
27.06.2023 The Wirecard scandal - Do auditor reputation losses cross borders? Melanie Großeastroth HS V 00-251
04.07.2023 HS V 00-251
11.07.2023 HS V 00-251
18.07.2023 internal meeting HS V 00-251

Winter Term 2022/23

Date Title Name Place
25.10.202 Internal meeting
01.11.2022 public holiday
08.11.2022 Heterogeneous Agents in Intertemporal Choice: Theory and Experimental Evidence Prof. Dr. Daniel Schunk HS V 00-251
15.11.2022 Human Capital Accumulation under Correlated Idiosyncratic and Aggregate Shocks Steffi Hahn HS V 00-251
22.11.2022  Prenatal consultation and maternal adherence to the Ramadan fast Paul Witte HS V 00-251
29.11.2022 School starting age effects on mortality Mathias Huebener HS V 00-251
06.12.2022 internal meeting
13.12.2022 The Effect of Offshoring on Firm Emissions Yen Nhi Nguyen HS V 00-251
20.12.2022 Winners and losers of the 2015 Swiss exchange rate shock: Unveiling heterogeneous worker responses Prof. Dr. Philipp Sauré HS V 00-251
03.01.2023 winterbreak
10.01.2023 Collective Choice over Collective-Choice Rules Prof. Dr. Salvatore Barbaro HS V 00-251
17.01.2023 The Impact of Standards and Regulation on Innovation in Uncertain Markets Cesare A. F. Riillo HS V 00-251
24.01.2023 Minimum Wage Pass-through to Wholesale and Retail Prices: Evidence from the Washington State Cannabis Industry Carl Hase HS V 00-251
31.01.2023 Interdisciplinary Research in Economics Marc Diederichs HS V 00-251
07.02.2023 internal meeting

Summer Term 2022





19.04.2022 tba
26.04.2022 Internal meeting
03.05.2022 The role of director style during a period of increasing female board representation Johannes Carow online
10.05.2022 Why do we Discriminate? The Role of Motivated Reasoning Markus Eyting HS V (00-251)
17.05.2022 Prudential capital controls and firms: a theoretical model Johanna Saecker HS IX (-1 331
24.05.2022 Partisan Group Identity Predicts Polarization Florian Hett HS V (00-251)
31.05.2022 Enabling, Accelerating or Extracting? The Role of Venture Capitalin the Innovation Lifecycle. Nina-Alessa Gruzdov HS V (00-251)
07.06.2022 How to Influence Socially Responsible Investments – The Role of Preferences, Incentives and Information Fabian Braun HS V (00-251)
14.06.2022 Exposure to cold temperatures at conception & over the life cycle and its impact on metabolic outcomes Timo Münz HS V (00-251)
21.06.2022 Strategic Uncertainty and Time Pressure in Professional Chess Niklas Witzig HS V (00-251)
28.06.2022 Choosing the pen or the sword? Communication as an endogenous institutional choice in public goods games Alexander Dzionara HS V (00-251)
05.07.2022 Sovereign risk and global sourcing Leandro Navarro HS V (00-251)
12.07.2022 internal meeting HS V (00-251)
19.07.2022 Evolution of Work in Germany since 1949: Semantic Projections from Job Postings Ralf Hauenschild HS V (00-251)

Winter Term 2021/22





19.10.2021 Internal meeting
26.10.2021 tba
02.11.2021 tba
09.11.2021 Eating Habits: The Role of Early Life Experiences and Intergenerational Transmission"

Efi Adamopoulou

(University of Mannheim)

16.11.2021 tba
23.11.2021 Spillover Effects of Old-Age Pension on Maternal Employment and Children's Outcomes: Evidence from Dutch Administrative Data Katja Maria Kaufmann only online
30.11.2021 tba
07.12.2021 How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income

Michael Graber

(University of Chicago)

only online
14.12.2021 tba
04.01.2022 tba
11.01.2022  tba
18.01.2022 Parental Investment and Peer Effects in Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills Yasemin Özdemir only online
25.01.2022 tba
01.02.2022 Uncertainty in Global Sourcing: Learning, Sequential Offshoring, and Selection Patterns Leandro Navarro only online
08.02.2022 Using Editor Rotations to Study the Fairness of the Peer Review Process in Economics Marc Diederichs LeViA-Room NatMed 01-436

Summer Term 2021




13.04.2021 Internal meeting
20.04.2021 tba
27.04.2021 tba
04.05.2021 tba
11.05.2021 tba

Political Polarization and Collective-Decision Rules

Salvatore Barbaro
25.05.2021 tba
01.06.2021 Multinational firms' organisational dynamics: the empirical approach

Leandro Navarro

08.06.2021 tba
15.06.2021 tba

22.06.2021 Inequality and the Structure of Countries' External Liabilities Miriam Kohl
29.06.2021 tba
06.07.2021 tba
13.07.2021 Programmed to be short? An exploration of the pathways from Ramadan during pregnancy to height growth impairment Fabienne Pradella

Winter Term 2020 / 21




03.11.2020 Internal meeting
10.11.2020 International Differences in the Effect of Skills on Job Mobility: A Schumpeterian Perspective Damir Stijepic
17.11.2020 Feedback in Homogeneous Ability Groups: A Field Experiment Tim Klausmann
24.11.2020 Accumulating Birth Histories across Surveys for Better Children Mortality Estimates Laura Schmidt
01.12.2020 tba
08.12.2020 Global Spillovers of Taxation in the Online Advertising Market. Theory and Evidence from Facebook        Andrea Lassmann
15.12.2020 tba
05.01.2021 What determines regional price differences in developing countries?

Laura Schmidt

12.01.2021 tba
19.01.2021 Switching Costs and Market Power in the Auditing Industry: Evidence from a Structural Approach

Christopher Koch

26.01.2021 tba
02.02.2021 tba
09.02.2021 Audit Committee Independence and Auditor-Manager Disputes Sandra Kronenberger

Summer Term 2020




14.04.2020 Internal meeting
28.04.2020 Covid-19 in Deutschland – Erklärung,
Prognose und der Einfluss gesundheitspolitischer Maßnahmen
Klaus Wälde
05.05.2020 Growing like Germany: Local Public Debt, Local Banks, Low Private Investment Iryna Stewen
12.05.2020 Unilateral Tax Policy in the Open Economy Miriam Kohl
19.05.2020 Multinational firms' organisational dynamics: Competition intensity and the ownership decision under uncertainty Leandro Navarro
26.05.2020 tba
02.06.2020 tba
09.06.2020 Importer survival and growth Victor Gimenez Perales
16.06.2020 tba
23.06.2020 Estimating the Value of Reputational Loss Christopher Koch
Aiyong Zhu
30.06.2020 Identification as a choice in non-strategic settings Evgeniya Chabanova
07.07.2020 Employer learning about cognitive and noncognitive skills: Evidence from survey data Johannes Kochems

Winter Term 2019/20




15.10.2019 Internal meeting

Effective Exchange Rate Regimes and Inflation

Jakub Knaze

29.10.2019 Borrowing against the (Un)Known: Patent Portfolios and Leverage David Heller
05.11.2019 Who Gets Jobs Matter: Monetary Policy and the Labour Market Uros Herman
12.11.2019 The Effect of Board Gender Diversity on Firm Performance: Evidence from Chinese Firms Di Lu
19.11.2019 Determinants of Countries’ External Capital Structure: A Firm-Level Analysis Tobias Krahnke
26.11.2019 t.b.a.
03.12.2019 The Consumption Response to Minimum Wages: Evidence from Chinese Households Ernest Dautovic
10.12.2019 A Literature Review of Customer Behavior Patterns on E-commerce Websites by Using Eye-tracker Arash Kamangar
17.12.2019 t.b.a.
07.01.2020 t.b.a.
14.01.2020 The Roots of Human Cooperation Zvonimir Basic
21.01.2020 t.b.a.
28.01.2020 t.b.a.
04.02.2020 t.b.a.

Summer Term 2019




16.04.2019 Internal meeting

Redistribution, Selection, and Trade

Miriam Kohl
30.04.2019 t.b.a.
07.05.2019 Are grandchildren good for you? The health effects of becoming a grandparent Birgit Leimer
14.05.2019 The China Shock and the Nationalist Backlash against Globalization: Attitudinal Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey Philipp Harms
21.05.2019 Uncertainty in Global Sourcing: Learning and sequential offshoring Leandro Navarro
28.05.2019 The Bite of Collective Contracts in Italy and Spain: Evidence from the Metalworking Industry Efi Adamopoulou
04.06.2019 Poverty and perseverance: how soon do the poor give up? Zahra Sharafi
11.06.2019 t.b.a.
18.06.2019 Job Loss Expectations, Durable Consumption and Household Finances: Evidence from Linked Survey Data Nathanael Vellekoop
25.06.2019 t.b.a.
02.07.2019 (Higher Order) Risk Preferences and Patience among Adolescents: The Relation with Cognitive Abilities and Predictive Power for Real-World Behavior Sebastian Schneider
09.07.2019 An Analysis of Different Approaches of Estimating Causal Effects in Binary Response Models with Binary Endogenous Explanatory Variables Manuel Denzer

Winter Term 2018/19




16.10.2018 Internal meeting

Complementary consumer responsibility -
The limits to immoral delegation in markets

Mario Scharfbillig
30.10.2018 Are Banking and Capital Markets Union Complements?
Evidence from Channels of Risk Sharing in the Eurozone
Iryna Stewen
06.11.2018 Inattention in the Rental Housing Market – Evidence from a Natural Experiment Eva Berger
13.11.2018 The Selective Two-child Policy and its Impact on the Marriage Market Di Lu
20.11.2018 Macroeconomic Growth, Technical Change, and Subjective Well-Being Jean Roch Donsimoni
27.11.2018 Bilateral de-facto exchange rate regimes and business cycle synchronization: a robust analysis Jakub Knaze
04.12.2018 t.b.a.
11.12.2018 Beyond fasting – in utero exposure to behavioral changes in Ramadan and their effects on birth outcomes Birgit Leimer
18.12.2018 Learned Impatience? Dispersed Reinforcement and Time Discounting David Poensgen
08.01.2019 How to reduce poverty in developed countries – A DSGE approach Steffi Hahn
15.01.2019 The dynamics of importer-exporter connections Victor Gimenez Perales
22.01.2019 Do people choose what makes them happy – A theoretical inquiry Niklas Scheuer
29.01.2019 Rising wealth inequality: When r-g matters Hoang Khieu
05.02.2019 The Distributional Effects of Trade Restrictions Uliana Sulakshina
12.02.2019 Deregulation and the Current Account Revisited Tobias Gruhle

Summer Term 2018




17.04.2018 Internal meeting

Information, bankruptcy and welfare

Gustavo Mellior
08.05.2018 Does the internet increase the job finding rate?
Evidence of a period of internet expansion
Manuel Denzer
15.05.2018 The income structure of Germany’s foreign investments Konstantin Wacker
22.05.2018 Technological Change and Age in the Labor Force Christoph Wirp
29.05.2018 t.b.a.
05.06.2018 The Refugee Crisis in Slovenia and Natives‘ Attitudes toward Immigration Diego Cortes
12.06.2018 Pre-election surveys and heuristics - A field experiment Sabine Kroger
19.06.2018 Trade, Migration and Economic Disintegration Philipp Herkenhoff
26.06.2018 Emerging Market Economies in the Global Financial Cycle: the Role of Financial Development Wenyue Zhang
03.07.2018 Prevalence versus persistence of high growth firms: Do the same institutions matter? Eva Erhardt

Winter Term 2017/18




17.10.2017 Internal meeting

Shareholder Wealth Effects of Women on Boards Promoting Policies: Evidence from Germany

Viktor Bozhinov
07.11.2017 Preferences for direct democracy: intrinsic or instrumental? Evidence from a survey experiment Philipp Harms
14.11.2017 t.b.a
21.11.2017 Premature Internal Rotations: Consequences for the Outgoing Lead Auditor Victor Reinhardt
28.11.2017 t.b.a.
05.12.2017 Plugging In: Examining Job Connectedness in the Smartphone Era Rashima Rajah
12.12.2017 (When) Do Central Banks Respond to Financial Risk? Konstantin Wacker
19.12.2017 Incentive System Design under Unknown Preferences: Are IFRS Fair Values suitable for Performance Measurement Julia Ortner
09.01.2018 Fragmentation and the Current Account: The Role of the Service Sector Tobias Gruhle
16.01.2018 t.b.a.
23.01.2018 t.b.a.

Ramadan during Pregnancy: Health Effects on the Offspring and the Behavior of Pregnant Muslims in Germany

Fabienne Pradella
06.02.2018 t.b.a.

Summer Term 2017




18.04.2017 Internal meeting

Do Exchange Rate Regimes affect Foreign Direct Investment?

Jakub Knaze
02.05.2017 Mental Fatigue: from Psychology to Economics Jean Roch Donsimoni
09.05.2017 Crisis Contagion and Information Frictions in Emerging Markets Tobias Gruhle
16.05.2017 Cross-Border Banking and Macroprudential Policies in Asymmetric Monetary Unions Lena Dräger
23.05.2017 t.b.a.
30.05.2017 Why people born during World War II are healthier Reyn van Ewijk
06.06.2017 t.b.a.
13.06.2017 Who persistently creates jobs? Absolute versus relative high-growth firms Eva Erhardt
20.06.2017 Idiosyncratic capital income and wealth distributions Hoang Khieu
27.06.2017 Labor Misallocation and Aggregate Output Losses across Countries - The Role of Service Sectors and Labor Skill-types Jan Trenczek
04.07.2017 When money buys you happiness - and when it does not: Explaining the Deaton Kahneman 75,000$ finding Klaus Wälde


Winter Term 2016/17




25.10.2016 Internal meeting
08.11.2016 Where did All the Unemployed Go? Non-Standard Work in Germany after the Hartz Reforms Klaus Wälde
15.11.2016 Did the 1918 Influenza Pandemic cause long-term economic consequences? - A systematic analysis of 117 IPUMS International data sets Juditha Wójcik
22.11.2016 The Role of Institutional Proxy Advisors in International Corporate Governance Mario Scharfbillig
29.11.2016 Cue-Elicited Cravings and the Distributional Dynamics of Addiction Dennis Krieger
06.12.2016 Performance and Risk-Taking Behavior under Psychological Pressure: Evidence from Professional Volleyball Players Viktor Bozhinov und Nora Grote
13.12.2016 Drug-related conflicts and educational outcomes: Evidence from Mexico Diego Cortes
20.12.2016 No Smoking Gun: The Influence of Private Shareholders on Central Bank Behavior Bernd Bartels
10.01.2017 Spillovers of the ECB's non-standard monetary policy measures on Southeastern Europe Isabella Moder
17.01.2017 Do Consumers Plan Consumption According to an Euler Equation? Lena Dräger
24.01.2017 Dynamic binary panel data models in presence of autocorrelation and misspecification. A Monte-Carlo study. Alexander Mosthaf
31.01.2017 Vertical and Horizontal Dynamics in Export Unit Values Konstantin Wacker
07.02.2017 Who Benefits from Retirement? A Panel Data Approach Using Data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Birgit Leimer

Summer Term 2016




19.04.2016 Internal meeting
26.04.2016 Pareto-Improving Redistribution of Wealth - The Case of the NLSY 1979 Cohort, paper Klaus Wälde
03.05.2016 Higher Taxes at the Top: The Role of Entrepreneurs Bettina Brüggemann
10.05.2016 Is Technological Change biased against older Workers? Christoph Wirp
17.05.2016 Couples Coping with Stress Alexander Bloch
24.05.2016 t.b.a. t.b.a.
31.05.2016 Labour Supply under Burnout Risk Jean Roch Donsimoni
07.06.2016 Internal meeting
14.06.2016 Employment and Output Effects of Financial Shocks Hoang Van Khieu
21.06.2016 t.b.a. t.b.a.
28.06.2016 t.b.a. t.b.a.
05.07.2016 Joint Audit, Audit Market, and Consumer Surplus Christopher Koch
12.07.2016 Explaining the heterogeneous FDI-growth relationship: grouped fixed effects
estimation vs. absorptive capacity models
Konstantin Wacker
19.07.2016 Information Friction and Price Pass-through: The case of commodity price in Africa Tewodros Asmamaw Dessie

Winter Term 2015/16




20.10.2015 Internal meeting
27.10.2015 Global Monetary Policy and Corporate Bond Issuances in Emerging Markets Oliver Masetti
03.11.2015 A Dynamic Multi-Country Equilibrium Model to Study the Consequences of Climate Change Marten Hillebrand
10.11.2015 Fiscal consolidation in a small open economy with sovereign debt Zixi Liu
17.11.2015 Perception, Aspiration and Behavior: Subjective Returns and Investment in Education Eva Berger
24.11.2015 Three Macro Perspectives on Global Poverty Convergence Konstantin Wacker
01.12.2015 Workplace Heterogeneity and the Returns to Versatility Damir Stijepic
08.12.2015 The impact of central bank financial independence on monetary policy Bernd Bartels
15.12.2015 Empirical Link between Firm-Level Indicators and Target Variables of Competitiveness: Bayesian Model Averaging Approach Benjamin Bluhm
05.01.2016 Investment Insurance and the Distribution of Wealth Klaus Wälde
12.01.2016 Corporate investment, debt and liquidity choices in the light of financial constraints and hedging needs Carolin Schürg
19.01.2016 The Growth Effects of the Allocation of Government Expenditure in an Endogenous Growth Model Christine Awiti
26.01.2016 Microcredit as a job creator -an impact assessment for Bulgaria Eva Erhardt
02.02.2016 Mental Ill-Health and Optimal Avoidance Behavior Dennis Krieger

Summer Term 2015




21.04.2015 Internal meeting
28.04.2015 Emotion Research in Economics Klaus Wälde
05.05.2015 Excessive Credit and Bank Risk Andreas Barth
12.05.2015 Reviewing a Friend – The Role of Affinity in Hierarchical Work Relationships in Auditing Christopher Koch
19.05.2015 How does ‘cultural distance’ affect international trade in services? Daria Shuvalova
26.05.2015 Should banking supervision and monetary policy be separated? Felix Rutkowski
02.06.2015 The sustainability of increased female representation in management positions. Alexander Mosthaf
09.06.2015 Banks’ Trading After the Lehman Crisis – Flight to Liquidity but no Fire Sales Johannes Tischer
16.06.2015 Government Expenditure and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis Christine Awiti
23.06.2015 Marginal Employment: Evidence from Germany Andrey Launov
30.06.2015 Foreign-law bonds: Can they reduce sovereign borrowing costs? Julian Schumacher
07.07.2015 Regulated infrastructure companies have to get ahead of price based regulatory interventions! Dynamic target costing as a solution? Florian Böckling
14.07.2015 cancelled
21.07.2015 US Banking Deregulation and Growth: A Reappraisal Iryna Stewen

Winter Term 2014/15




28.10.2014 internal meeting
04.11.2014 Power and auditor-client negotiations – An experiment Jonas van Elten
18.11.2014 Corporate Debt Substitutability and the Macroeconomy: Firm-Level Evidence from the Euro Area Oliver Masetti (GSEFM)
25.11.2014 Financial Fragmentation and Economic Growth in Europe Christian Seckinger
02.12.2014 Reaping the Gains: Specialization and Capital Flows Jakob Schwab
16.12.2014 An intervention to improve self-control and educational attainment – evidence fr
om a randomized-controlled field experiment
Henning Müller
06.01.2015 Getting to Bail-in: Effects of Creditor Participation in European Bank Restructuring. Alexander Schäfer
13.01.2015 Other-Regarding Preferences in Conflict Environment: Experimental Evidence from a Slum in Kenya Martin Leroch
20.01.2015 Public Debt & Sovereign Ratings – Do Industrialized Countries Enjoy a Privilege? Bernd Bartels
03.02.2015 Incentive system design for management and supervisory board members Julia Ortner
10.02.2015 Banking Market Structure and the Economy in Times of Crisis Ulrich Schüwer

Summer Term 2014




29.04.2014 Internal meeting
06.05.2014 Working Time Accounts and Unemployment: The Role of Intertemporal Profit Shifting Andrey Launov

Skalierbarkeit und Konstruktäquivalenz des finanzwirtschaftlichen Fachwissens im Mehrgruppenvergleich bei Studierenden.

Olga Troitschanskaia
27.05.2014 Familiarity as a Legitimacy Shield in Times of Crisis: The Case of the Banking Industry Christopher Koch
03.06.2014 Estimating the Costs of Bounded Rationality from a Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer Experiment Dennis Krieger
10.06.2014 Like it or not? How the Macroeconomic Environment Shapes Individual Attitudes towards Multinational Enterprises Jakob Schwab
17.06.2014 Holes in the Dike: the global savings glut, U.S. land prices and the long shadow of banking deregulation Iryna Stewen
24.06.2014 Expenses on Labor Market Reforms during Transitional Dynamics. Alexey Cherepnev
01.07.2014 Estimating Market Power:
Evidence from the coffee industry in advanced countries.
Tewodros Dessie
08.07.2014 Does the organization of financial supervision matter? Felix Rutkowski
15.07.2014 Foreign vs. domestic public debt and the composition of government expenditure: The empirical perspective Joachim Lutz
22.07.2014 The Role of Corporate Culture in the Financial Industry Andreas Barth

Winter Term 2013/14




22.10.2013 Internal meeting
05.11.2013 Behavior in dynamic contest with feedback and asymmetry Florian Hett
12.11.2013 Misleading incentives in the rating industry – Time for a new business model? Bernd Bartels
19.11.2013 The cost of equity in emerging Markets: the Latin American case John Rosso
(Universidad de los Andes)
26.11.2013 *** Cancelled *** Klaus Wälde
03.12.2013 Entitlement to unemployment insurance payments and the distribution of wages (with M.Birkner, A.Launov and K.Wälde) Damir Stijepic
10.12.2013 *** Cancelled *** Natalia Podlich
17.12.2013 (How) do local distribution costs influence the exposure of industry profits to exchange rate fluctuations? Christina Ortseifer
07.01.2014 Crisis, weak banks and the role of the ECB's collateral framework in preventing fire sales Natalia Podlich
14.01.2014 Customer Loyalty and Endogenous Market Structure Jennifer Abel-Koch
21.01.2014 Intraday interest rates: a liquidity indicator? Johannes Tischer
28.01.2014 Ambiguous Precision of Information about Counterparties in the Banking Sector Christian Seckinger
04.02.2014 Is the composition of government expenditure important for economic growth? The case for Kenya Christine Awiti

Summer Term 2013




16.04.2013 t.b.a. internal meeting
23.04.2013 Macroeconomic aspects of the global role of the U.S. dollar: a perspective from a model with
vertical production and trade
Jie Fu
30.04.2013 Offshoring and Sequential Production Chains: A General-Equilibrium Analysis Philipp Harms
07.05.2013 Democratic institutional design in health care priority setting Claudia Landwehr
14.05.2013 A rating agency for Europe – A good idea? Bernd Bartels
28.05.2013 Do stringent environmental policies deter FDI? The M&A versus Greenfield. Sylwia Bialek
04.06.2013 Beating the Black Box of Risk-Weighted Capital – Can a Leverage Ratio do It? Alexander Schäfer
11.06.2013 Economic Policy Uncertainty, Trust and Inflation Expectations Anamaria Piloiu (GSEFM)
18.06.2013 Accounting-based versus rating-based performance pricing in bank loan contracts Christina Bannier
25.06.2013 Aversion to Apparent Indifference Christopher Kops
02.07.2013 Accounting for Individual Effort in Aggregate Unemployment Alexey Cherepnev
09.07.2013 Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice Florian Hett
16.07.2013 Determination of equity home bias: An empirical analysis. Iryna Stewen

Winter Term 2012/2013




23 October 2012

Returns to childbirth technologies: Evidence from births in the Netherlands

Reyn van Ewijk

30 Oktober 2012

The Influence of Asset Volume on Hedge Fund Performance

Daniel Daus

6 November 2012

Impact of financial integration on lending behavior of financial instituions (with Falko Fecht)

Natalia Podlich (Deutsche Bundesbank)

13 November 2012

Foreign currency returns and systematic risks

Victoria Galsband

20 November 2012

Ethnic Diversity and Firm¹s Exporting Behavior Davide Sala

27 November 2012

Change in self-efficacy as a source of state dependence in employment dynamics?

Alexander Mosthaf

4 December 2012

Modelling the Dynamics of Wealth Distributions: The Case of the US

Tobias Nagel

11 December 2012

A multiregional view on aging societies accounting for the existence of non-tradable goods

Richard Schwenke

18 December 2012

The Differential Effects of Technical and Managerial Expertise on Quality: An Empirical Study on German Auditors

Christopher Koch

8 January 2013

Banking Regulation – The Stricter, The Better?

Christian Seckinger

15 January 2013

FDI and International Income Divergence

Jakob Schwab

22 January 2013

The Role of Hartz-IV Reform in Reducing Unemployment in Germany

Andrey Launov

29 January 2013

Do foreign workers reduce trade barriers?

Microeconometric evidence from employer-employee data

Thorsten Schank

5 February 2013

Rational Avoidance

Dennis Krieger

Summer Term 2012




17 April 2012

Between Reason and Intuition

Christopher Kops

24 April 2012

A simple model of simultaneous wage regimes Andreas Hauptmann (IAB)

8 May 2012

Joint determination of firm’s export invoicing decision and optimal monetary policy in a center-periphery model Jie Fu

15 May 2012

Systemic Risk, Banking and Sovereign Debt in the Euro Area Deyan Radev

22 May 2012

*** Cancelled ***

29 May 2012

t.b.a. Reyn van Ewijk

5 June 2012

Abolishing Public Guarantees in the Absence of Market Discipline

Tobias Körner / Isabel Schnabel

12 June 2012

How Have Markets Reacted to Financial Sector Reforms? An Event-Study Analysis

Alexander Schäfer

19 June 2012

About the nature of Rating Agencies

– A literature review

Bernd Bartels

26 June 2012

Self-selection into contests: Theory and experimental evidence Yann Girard

3 July 2012

The interrelationship of social networks and individual characteristics Florian Hett

10 July 2012

Experimental Study on Bayesian Updating Christopher Kops

17 July 2012

Intra-Industrial Reallocations under Variable Productivity Rate Alexey Cherepnev

Winter Term 2011/2012


Title Name
25 October
- Reserved for internal meeting -
8 November
Emotional Economics 1.0: Emotional Tension and Communication Klaus Wälde
15 November
Room 03-150 (Dekanatssaal)
Special lecture: Presentation of FDZ and available data sources (in German) Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ) des Statistischen Landesamtes Hessen
22 November
On fiscal policy as a source of volatility: Understanding the link within a dynamic model of re-distributive politics. Abhinash Borah
29 November
Noncognitive skills and return to employment after childbirth. Eva Berger
6 December
Heterogeneous effects of a nonlinear price schedule for outpatient care Amelie Wuppermann
13 December
*** Cancelled ***
20 December 2011 Infrastructure investment and integration in the EU. Günther König
10 January
The Distributional Predictions of Search and Matching Models Michael Lamprecht
17 January 2012 Surprising Diversity of Informal Employment Opportunities in Latin America (with Isabel Günther and Stephan Klasen) Andrey Launov
24 January
Global Sourcing and Input Specificity Jennifer Abel-Koch
31 January
*** Cancelled due to overlap with Excellence Initiative Presentation ***
7 February
*** Cancelled ***
14 February
- Reserved for internal meeting -

Summer Term 2011




19 April 2011

- Reserved for internal meeting -

26 April 2011

To switch or not to switch - Can individual lending do better in microfinance than group lending?

Helke Wälde

3 May 2011

Threshold Effects from Absorptive Capacity and the Effectiveness of Innovation Policy

Daniela Strube

10 May 2011

Low-wage jobs – stepping stones or just bad signals?

Alexander Mosthaf

17 May 2011

Radical Overhaul of the Financial System - Does the Market Care?

Alexander Schäfer

24 May 2011

The 'Debt Privilege' – Determinants of Sovereign Credit Ratings for Industrialized Countries

Bernd Bartels

31 May 2011

Tail Risk and Sovereign Debt

Deyan Radev

7 June 2011

Consumption Inequality over the Life-Cycle: The Role of Labour Market Fricitions

Michael Graber (UCL)

14 June 2011

Public debt, expenditure composition, and sovereign default

Joachim Lutz

21 June 2011

Non-Gaussian Filtering using Sparse Grids. Application to interest rates

Constantin Weiser

28 June 2011

A critical look at Partial Least Squares

Katharina Klingler

5 July 2011

Do Bank Bail-Outs hurt Market Discipline? Evidence from the recent Financial Crisis

Florian Hett

12 July 2011

Underwriter Affiliation and Earnings Forecast Quality

Yvonne Kreis

19 July 2011

- Reserved for internal meeting -

Winter Term 2010/2011

Date Title Name
26 October
- Reserved for internal meeting -
2 November
Matching and Saving - some first quantitative results Klaus Wälde
9 November
Too big to save Andreas Barth
16 November
Do They Know What's at Risk? An Empirical Analysis of Health Risk Perception among Smokers and the Obese Amelie Wuppermann
23 November
The Effects of Civil Conflicts on Domestic Violence Jose Victor Gallegos (Syracuse University)
30 November
7 December
2010, 12 p.m., RW5
Firm Size and the Choice of Export Mode Jennifer Abel-Koch

7 December 2010, 12.30 p.m., RW2

Special Lecture: Presentation of the Transition Report 2010

Jeromin Zettelmeyer (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)

14 December
Equity Home Bias and Distribution Costs Christina Ortseifer
21 December
Spillovers between financial systems: German perspective on systemic risk Natalia Podlich (Deutsche Bundesbank)
11 January
2011, 2 p.m., Dekanatssaal
Implications of Behavioral Economics for Welfare Economics Bastiaan Oud (Universität Zürich)
25 January
Cancelled for health reasons
1 February
Labour market policy and the distribution of wealth under aggregate uncertainty Tobias Nagel
8 February
The Information Content of Market Demand Functions for Central Bank Liquidity Puriya Abbassi
15 February
- Reserved for internal meeting -

Summer Term 2010




13 April 2010

- Reserved for internal meeting -

20 April 2010

Financial Integration and Growth - Is Emerging Europe Different? (with Christian Friedrich, Jeromin Zettelmeyer)

Isabel Schnabel

27 April 2010

Job Search, Human Capital and Wage Inequality

Carlos Carrillo-Tudela (University of Leicester)

11 May 2010

Numerical Integration on Sparse Grids - Applications in Econometrics (with Florian Heiss)

Constantin Weiser

18 May 2010

Bayesian Learning (with Klaus Wälde)

Christopher Kops

25 May 2010

On the Comovement of Western Europe and the Transition Economies During the Crisis

Deyan Radev

8 June 2010

Board Accountability and Risk Taking in Banking – Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment

Tobias Körner (RGS Econ)

15 June 2010

To be or to earn: A model of identity and group choice when status and social distance are endogenous (with Mario Mechtel)

Florian Hett

22 June 2010

Financial Advice: An Improvement for Worse?

Yigitcan Karabulut (Goethe University Frankfurt)

13 July 2010

- Reserved for internal meeting -

Winter Term 2009/2010

Date Title Name


Die japanischen Banken in der Subprimekrise - Die Rolle der Bankenaufsicht

Thomas Roos

Diploma thesis


Banking Regulation and Systemic Risk

Andreas Barth

Diploma thesis


Dynamics in the economy - Business Cycles, Firms, and the Labour Market

Beate Schirwitz

(ifo Institut, Dresden)

Research talk(Dissertation)


Die Rolle der Zentralbank bei der Bekämpfung von Finanzkrisen am Beispiel der Subprimekrise

Christian Heil

Diploma thesis


Externe und marktbasierte Ratings als Instrumente zur Bonitätsbeurteilung

Kai Karst

Diploma thesis


Banks and Market Discipline

Sebastian Andresen

Diploma thesis


Interest Rate Dynamics and Monetary Policy Implementation in Switzerland

Puriya Abbassi

Research talk (Dissertation)


Das deutsche Bad-Bank-Konzept zur Bewältigung der Bankenkrise

Gloria-Johanna Jörg

Diploma thesis


Copulas and Contagion

Deyan Radev

Research talk (Dissertation)


Labor market effects of foreign direct investment

Andreas Hauptmann (IAB)

Research talk (Dissertation)

22.02.2010 (Monday,
12 p.m.!)

Monitoring and sanctions in a non-stationary structural job search model

Andrey Launov

Research talk


Die Bedeutung zentralen Clearings für die Finanzmarktstabilität

Christian Valentin Maul

Diploma thesis


Internalizing Systemic Risk

Beatrice Weder

Research talk

Summer Term 2009

Date Title Name


Bank bail-outs and market discipline: An empirical analysis of the rescue of Bear Stearns

Florian Hett

Diploma thesis


Braucht Europa eine zentrale Finanzaufsicht?

Tim Gürten

Diploma thesis


Competition, Risk-Shifting, and
Public Bail-out Policies

Isabel Schnabel

Research talk


Some troubling descriptive statistics on microfinance

Helke Wälde

Research talk (Dissertation)


Der Umgang mit notleidenden Banken - Lehren aus der schwedischen Krise von 1990 bis 1992

Olaf Krehbiel-Gräther

Diploma thesis


Die Auswirkungen des "Fair Value Accounting" auf den Bankensektor

Polina Todorova

Diploma thesis


Waren die Hartz-Reformen eine gute Sache?

Klaus Wälde

Research talk

23.06.2009 Contagion Among Interbank Money Markets During the Subprime Crisis Puriya Abbassi Research talk (Dissertation)


Firm Size Distribution

Michael Lamprecht

Research talk (Dissertation)


When Do State-Owned Banks Hamper Economic Growth?

Tobias Körner (RGS)

Research talk (Dissertation)