Promotion an der GSME
Für eine Promotion an der GSME müssen Sie verschiedene Voraussetzungen - formale, fachliche und ggf. sprachliche - erfüllen, z.B. müssen Sie ein abgeschlossenes deutsches oder gleichwertiges ausländisches Hochschulstudium nachweisen (z.B. Diplom, Magister, Master oder Staatsexamen). Außerdem benötigen Sie u.a. eine Betreuungszusage einer Professorin oder eines Professors.
Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management

Mit der „Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management“ (GSEFM) bieten die Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main und die Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz bis zu 200 Promovenden und 80 Master- Studierenden aus der ganzen Welt eine erstklassige englischsprachige Ausbildung in der Volkswirtschaftslehre, der Finanzwirtschaft und im Management.
Brown Bag Seminar
Support program
The Brownbag Seminar is an informal research seminar for students and faculty. It takes place on Tuesdays from 12 a.m. until 1 p.m. in room RW 5 (Neues ReWi). The seminar serves the purpose of giving doctoral students and faculty a platform for presenting their current research. Talks about unfinished projects or even project ideas are particularly welcome. The talks are held in English. All faculty members and students are kindly invited to attend the seminar. Please feel free to bring your lunch along.
Presenting at Conferences
Support program
The Gutenberg School of Management and Economics strongly encourages PhD Students and junior faculty members to present their work at international conferences. The School runs a scheme that supports such presentations by paying up to 500 EUR (subject to standard travel cost regulations) for participants that present a paper.
In order to be elegible for financial support, the conference must satisfy the following criteria:
- The conference is of an international nature, i.e. participants must not come almost exclusively from just one linguistic background.
- Submissions must go through a refereeing process and the rejection rate is non-neglegible
- The conference language is English.
In addition, the paper must be presented by a non-tenured member of the faculty.
Once a paper is accepted for an eligible conference, the presenter should inform the head of the commission by e-mail to dekanat-fb03@uni-mainz.de. The presenter should send this e-mail in copy to the professor she or he is working for and will receive a reply (within 2 working days) indicating that up to 500 EUR will be paid after a proof of having presented the paper at the conference is available. Payments will be made upon provision of receipts. Total funds available in 2010 amount to EUR 10.000.