Brown Bag Seminar

The Brown Bag Seminar is an informal research seminar for researchers at the Gutenberg School of Management & Economics. Research-interested students are warmly invited to attend. The Brown Bag takes place on Tuesdays from 12 a.m. until 1 p.m.  in room HS V (00-251).

As the Brown Bag takes place in a hybrid format, if you prefer to attend online, you can do so via an MS Teams link that we will provide. Presenters who want to present online can do so. Please inform us in advance.

Researchers from all levels, from junior researchers to professors are welcome to present their work in progress and (close to) finished research projects. If you would like to present your work, please send an email to sekretariat.vanewijk[at], cc to vanewijk[at]

Presenters may bring along an evaluation-sheet in order to get feedback on their presentation. The presenter is kindly requested to bring a sufficient number of copies of the evaluation sheet to the seminar.

Announcements of upcoming talks are sent by e-mail to those subscribing to the Brown Bag Newsletter.

You may subscribe to "brownbag". This means that every new item on this page will be sent to you via e-mail. As a matter of course you may unsubscribe to this newsletter at any time. In that case your address will be removed from the distribution list of the newsletter.

Your mail address will not be relayed to third parties.

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Summer Term 2025

Date Title Name   Place
15.04.2025 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
22.04.2025 HS V 00-251
29.04.2025 HS V 00-251
06.05.2025 HS V 00-251
13.05.2025 HS V 00-251
20.05.2025 HS V 00-251

HS V 00-251
03.06.2025 HS V 00-251
10.06.2025 HS V 00-251
17.06.2025 tbd Ying Liang HS V 00-251
24.06.2025 HS V 00-251
01.07.2025 HS V 00-251
08.07.2025 HS V 00-251
15.07.2025 Internal meeting HS V 00-251

Winter Term 2024/25

Date Title Name   Place
22.10.2024 Bargaining Over Taxes     Daniel Overbeck  PDF HS V 00-251
29.10.2024 Internal meeting HS V 00-251
05.11.2024 How do German energy partnerships affect trade?          Ina Krapp HS V 00-251
12.11.2024 Laboratory Experiments vs. Opportunistic Behavior: State Government Strategies in Times of Pandemic Julia Rode HS V 00-251
19.11.2024 Bargaining Under the Threat of a Nuclear Option Wladislaw Mill  PDF HS V 00-251
26.11.2024 HS V 00-251
03.12.2024 Effects of a Factorial Intervention on Emotional Skills   Wanda Schleder HS V 00-251
10.12.2024 HS V 00-251
17.12.2024 HS V 00-251
07.01.2025 HS V 00-251
14.01.2025 HS V 00-251
21.01.2025 Caring Dads? Universal Childcare, Paternity Leave and Fathers' Involvement   Malin Mahlbacher  PDF HS V 00-251
28.01.2025 Adaptation to Delayed Parenthood: How Does Paternal Age at Childbirth Influence Offspring's Biological Clocks and Fertility Windows? Timo Münz HS V 00-251
04.02.2025 Internal meeting HS V 00-251